Hi Friend!

It can be helpful to get to know the person who will be working on you- I get it, so here’s a look into my history with massage and what my goals are for my small business.

I was born and raised in northern Spokane and have always loved being in nature and movement through dance or sports. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and recently retired from competitive roller derby.

After years of corporate and dead-end administrative jobs, I went back to school at Carrington College in Spokane Valley to pursue a career in massage therapy. In September 2019 I received my Massage Therapist license thanks to the teachings of Ashley Burt. I immediately began working under the guidance of Melissa and Kevin Lunsford at their practice, and I credit both of them with my infatuation with joint restoration and deep tissue muscle work.

So what’s next for Serene Wings Massage Therapy?

Right now the office is open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm. I plan to set aside Fridays and Saturdays to host Continued Education courses for fellow massage therapists, and facilitate professional trades. Serene Wings is my passion project and I hope to provide the community with a wonderful new place to relax.

Thanks for reading, see you soon!

Corbin Fanara LMT